
Hace unos días se liberó la release de Prestashop
En esta ocasión se han corregido una buena cantidad de bugs, las mejoras y cambios tampoco son notables.

Release Notes for PrestaShop 1.4
#   v1.4.3.0 - 7119 (2011-06-16)  #

	Added Features:

	[+] Installer : Refuse to index the page by robots

	[+] BO : Added button "Add my IP"
	[+] BO : Adding pagination to the customers list
	[+] BO : added the option to move product images to the new filesystem

	[+] Classes : added manufacturer name and id in ProductSale::getBestSales();
	[+] Classes : added manufacturer name and id in ProductSale::getBestSales(); without sql error ;)

	[+] MO : MondialRelay, add fields personalization and fix js
	[+] MO : Refactoring Module dejala and LiveZilla
	[+] MO : layered module - real time URL building (ability to give the URL to someone)

	Improved/changed features:

	[*] Project : Removed "if class_exists" in autoload

	[*] Installer : Now when you install Prestashop, all languages are disabled expect the default language of your shop

	[*] FO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-1342 - Gest customer transformation is only applicable when there is no non-guest customer with the same email
	[*] FO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2241 - Error in JS tools.js

	[*] BO : Added some help on the search configuration page
	[*] BO : detailled error message when you import from csv

	[*] Classes : #PSCFI-2061 - removed return statement in constructor
	[*] Classes : fix issue on cache object return value in method getPosition

	[*] MO : Fixed bug #PSCFI-2242 - Changes from the 1.3.x version have not been added to the 1.4 version
	[*] MO : Treepodia module can now handle more products on their feed
	[*] MO : eBay module - Some improvments
	[*] MO : fix issue on loyalty module

	[*] WS : clean code
	[*] WS : clean code

	Fixed bugs:

	[-] PROJECT : Bug fixed #PSCFI-2119 - Cache was not working well with getRow and getValue (Thanks Remi for the fix :)
	[-] Project : remove unused 4 param in Tools::displayPrice() #PSCFI-2063
	[-] Project : the autoload now accept not "Core" classes in classes folder.

	[-] Installer : Undefined variable languages
	[-] Installer : add a ";" to SQL requeste

	[-] FO : Add a defined list of required fields for a susbscription form
	[-] FO : Bug Fixed #PSCFI-1515 - Specific price cache is useless in priceCalculation
	[-] FO : Bug Fixed #PSCFI-2090 - Group discount + discount = incorrect combination price
	[-] FO : Bug Fixed #PSCFI-2105 - Voucher discount on total amount
	[-] FO : Bug Fixed #PSCFI-2107 - Required Field "Tax Identification"
	[-] FO : Bug Fixed #PSCFI-2161 - Rounding issues
	[-] FO : Bug Fixed (related #PSCFI-2250) - Out of stock behavior + comparison page
	[-] FO : BugFix #PSCFI-2267 : Forbidden access to tpl files
	[-] FO : BugFix #PSCFI-2271 : Cumulable voucher can be added more than one time to cart
	[-] FO : Fix Undefined value when adding a product to the cart
	[-] FO : Fix a bug with invoice address on OPC #PSCFI-2099
	[-] FO : Fix the default fields for a new register user form
	[-] FO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-1730 - CCC mustn't be included each time with https
	[-] FO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2163 - Product list dont show "add to cart" button, if minimal qty to order is set to something != 1, it must be <= 1
	[-] FO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2163 - Product minimal quantity by default must be 1 and not 0
	[-] FO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2192 - Nomalization
	[-] FO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2241 - Error in JS tools.js
	[-] FO : Fixed bug #PSCFI-2088 - change id attribute adress_alias to address_alias.
	[-] FO : Fixed bug #PSCFI-2120 - Customization image delete button doesn't work. The link was commented.
	[-] FO : Fixed bug #PSCFI-2150 - Wrong url when we used the sort option
	[-] FO : Fixed bug PSCFI-2135, Refreshing price is fixed when the ajax setting of blockcart is turned off
	[-] FO : Function usingSecureMode does not work properly (depends on the server configuration)
	[-] FO : PSCFI-2118 - Substr of payment name compared to payment name (payment name musnt be truncated).
	[-] FO : PSCFI-2118 - Substr of payment name compared to payment name (payment name musnt be truncated).
	[-] FO : Remove blocklayered CSS/Js files on page we dont need them (and they make bugs with pager)
	[-] FO : Rounding issues
	[-] FO : Smarty 2 compatibility
	[-] FO : Validator don't work fine with non ansi chars
	[-] FO : fix an URL never rewrited in stores.js #PSCFI-1931
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2153 - CreditSlip PDF not accessible from FrontOffice
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2171 - Group Access Not Working
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2203 - [OPC] AJAX login fails and freezes when user has no address defined.
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2279 - voucher add to cart technical error
	[-] FO : fixed bug - breadcrumb was not display in some case.
	[-] FO : removing the link on the category label #PSCFI-2065

	[-] BO : Better understanting for address layout, Add a ignore class list for the liable fields and fix translsation
	[-] BO : Bug fixed on CSV import (Thanks to Magavenue :)
	[-] BO : BugFix #PSCFI-2289 - AdminImport not working in some cases
	[-] BO : Fix tax calcul in attribute generator #PSCFI-2095
	[-] BO : Fixed #PSCFI-444 - flag can be updated even if .htaccess is not writable
	[-] BO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2200 - On installing languages, bad adding on table profile_lang (id_lang and id_profile are reversed)
	[-] BO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2263 - Mexico must be set as a country with states
	[-] BO : Fixed Bug PSCFI-2198, The current editing element will not be removed if the user cancel it and a better fonctionality of Echap key.
	[-] BO : Fixed bug #PSCFI-2092 - Missing translation on contact details
	[-] BO : Fixed bug PSCFI-2207, Fixed a bad variabled used with vat.
	[-] BO : Fixed invoice date when database is MySQL 4.
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2247 - AdminCustomerThreads (Customer Service) displays wrong currency symbol in BO
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2248 - browser error "unterminated string constant" in AdminTracking.php
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2255 - PDF PS_INVOICE_PREFIX without iconv
	[-] BO : fixed image caching when memory_limit = -1
	[-] BO : fixed overflowing admin sub-tabs in themes flashyturtle and origins
	[-] BO : fixed rewrite link warning message when importing
	[-] BO : removed hard coded tmp img link

	[-] Classes : Bug fixed in Language class, delete method when no i18n file were created for a language.
	[-] Classes : fixed bug #PSCFI-2124 - Misuse of redirect (Tools.php) in Order Process (and probably other areas) causes failed flow.
	[-] Classes : fixed bug #PSCFI-2141 - Object->add() should not use Tools::getValue() - final part
	[-] Classes : fixed bug #PSCFI-2141 - Object->add() should not use Tools::getValue() - first part
	[-] Classes : fixed bug in property_exists function
	[-] Classes : fixed calls of non static method as static in order controllers

	[-] Core : fixed bug #PSCFI-2143 - Insufficient check for crawler populated ghost carts in CartController

	[-] MO : #Fixed bug PSCFI-2134 - Json parse error. Need ' instead of '
	[-] MO : Add Constants cart directly to the module for the PrestaShop 1.3 compatibility
	[-] MO : Bug fixed #PSCFI-2122 - Problem on rounded values
	[-] MO : Bug fixed #PSCFI-2122 - Problem on tax values
	[-] MO : Bug fixed #PSCFI-2238 - Module USPS was send container type to USPS
	[-] MO : Bug fixed eBay module - Wrong flag for resync option
	[-] MO : Categories shown twice (or more) on block category when customer have more than one group
	[-] MO : Code Cleaning
	[-] MO : Fix blocklayered module to allow user to sort products list (now use default value from BO, and refresh using ajax) #PSCFI-2096
	[-] MO : Fix console.log IE
	[-] MO : Fix minors bug and translations
	[-] MO : Fix smarty display for 1.3
	[-] MO : Fix translations
	[-] MO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2182 - Loyalty module (loyalty-program.php) return wrong category list and too long list on vast catalog
	[-] MO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2191 - DIBS module test paramter is assigned with wrong values.
	[-] MO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2191 - DIBS module test paramter is assigned with wrong values.
	[-] MO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2192 - Required fields and ajax cart dont work as expected
	[-] MO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2192 - Required fields and ajax cart dont work as expected
	[-] MO : Fixed Bug #PSCFI-2264 - Left scroll button is visible when the page is loaded whereas there is no products on the left.
	[-] MO : Fixed SQL error on layered module
	[-] MO : Fixed SQL/PHP errors on layered module when category is empty
	[-] MO : Fixed bug - Incorrect validation for discount_value_percentage field
	[-] MO : Fixed bug - Possibility to put negative values
	[-] MO : Fixed bug - Values are not passed in an htmlentities function before display
	[-] MO : Fixed bug : Ajax with the button add cart properly works when an product image doesn't exist
	[-] MO : Fixed bug PSCFI-2187, Use back price_wt instead of total_wt wthen product is added to google cart.
	[-] MO : Fixed bug when the hook is detached of the right
	[-] MO : Fixed errors, and add nb items per page to the layered block module
	[-] MO : Fixed norms
	[-] MO : Had a security token on eBay module
	[-] MO : Mistake in the commit 6952
	[-] MO : MondialRelay fix french franslations
	[-] MO : MondialRelay is now supported for PrestaShop 1.3. Clean unused code.
	[-] MO : MondialRelay, add french translation
	[-] MO : Norm pass
	[-] MO : Normalization + better directory clean
	[-] MO : PayPal create account link for Spain changed
	[-] MO : added cast in blockrss
	[-] MO : added check on secure key in moneybookers validation
	[-] MO : added token on export and send mail on twenga module
	[-] MO : carriercompare - undefined variable
	[-] MO : eBay module - fix for PrestaShop 1.3.x and many others improvments
	[-] MO : fix french translation for statscarrier
	[-] MO : fixed Fatal Error when payment name in osc bdd has character inappropriate // :p
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2165 - Module ImporterOsc - After importing, changing orders state, in list mode : date of today, in order detail mode : real date
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2194 - Layered when reset display inactive products
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2219 - Incorrect usage of numRows()
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2229 - added help text on specific option
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2240 - Layered navigation - overloading template file (.tpl) is not working
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFI-2280 - module customer follow up has bug when install in back office
	[-] MO : fixed bug - import osc was not display in shopImport module
	[-] MO : fixed bug on instant search with Internet Explorer 7
	[-] MO : fixed bug on tm4b
	[-] MO : fixed error when uninstall socolissimo module //thanks to Alain ouftete
	[-] MO : layered navigation pagination added  ;) #PSCFI-2137 #PSCFI-2085
	[-] MO : layered navigation pagination fixed undefined variable
	[-] MO : now only discount bound to a valid order is shown (Loyalty module)

	[-] WS : Bug fixed due to Core modifications
	[-] WS : Factorization of WebserviceRequest
	[-] WS : Small fix when error happens
	[-] WS : Support for categories POST - PSCFI-1416
	[-] WS : Support for image product POST method PSCFI-675, PSCFI-1416

	[-] PDF : Bug Fixed - Invoice: tax detail line with reduction







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